Sponsor: Emergency Management & Homeland Security
Proposed Emergency Management and Homeland Security Department Ordinance - Waive Second Reading and Hold the Public Hearing
1. Waive the Second Reading of the proposed Emergency Management and Homeland Security Ordinance.
2. Hold the Public Hearing for the proposed Emergency Management and Homeland Security Ordinance.
Background and Rationale
In 2021, the County Manager’s Office coordinated a comprehensive review of county policy documents including the Ramsey County Administrative Code. The review identified ambiguous language referring to Emergency Management and Homeland Security (EMHS) as both a division and a department within the Safety and Justice Service Team. The request to establish EMHS as a department under the Safety and Justice Service Team requires a change in an ordinance and needs board approval.
The Ramsey County Home Rule Charter section 5.02 states each proposed ordinance shall receive two readings: first, at the time it is presented, and second, at the time of the public hearing as required by law. Both readings may be waived if a copy of the ordinance is supplied to each member of the county board prior to its introduction. In accordance with these requirements, the proposed EMHS Department Ordinance was provided to each commissioner prior to its introduction on July 2, 2024. Therefore, the second reading may be waived by duly made motion and majority vote.
The Ramsey County Home Rule Charter section 5.02 states that every proposed ordinance shall hold a public hearing as required by law.
County Goals (Check those advanced by Action)
☐ Well-being ☐ Prosperity ☐ Opportunity ☒ Accountability
Racial Equity Impact
There is no direct racial equity impact linked to this ordinance request. This action is administrative only. The Ramsey County Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security serves the entire community.
Community Participation Level and Impact
A public hearing for the proposed ordinance change is schedule for July 23, 2024 at 9:00 am in the Saint Paul City Hall/Ramsey County Courthouse - Council Chambers. Members of the community can elect to attend and provide input.
☒ Inform ☐ Consult ☐ Involve ☐ Collaborate ☐ Empower
Fiscal Impact
There is no fiscal impact associated with this board request.
Last Previous Action
On July 2, 2024, the Ramsey County Board waived the first reading and set the public hearing date for the proposed Emergency Management and Homeland Security Ordinance (Resolution B2024-122).
1. Proposed Ordinance
2. Proposed Schedule
3. Affidavit of Publication