Sponsor: Community Corrections
Community Corrections Department Annual Authority for Procurement Requests
Authorize the County Manager, subject to review by the County Attorney’s Office and the Finance Department, to do the following:
1. Enter into the following expenditure agreements without solicitation through December 31, 2025, and execute future amendments to the agreements and contracts in accordance with the county's procurement policies and procedures, provided the amounts are within the budget for the services listed below:
A. Contracts in which the county currently provides services and receives payments from external sources, such as health plans, the Courts, other counties, and other parties, including payments for services already provided.
B. Lead or host county contracts held by other counties in accordance with Minnesota Statute 256.0112.
C. Community support programs, culturally specific African American community support programs, and culturally specific American Indian / Indigenous community support programs.
D. Providers authorized by community collaboratives established in Minnesota Statute 124D.23 for which Ramsey County has fiscal agent responsibilities.
E. Providers of psychiatric, psychosexual, and psychological services; to conduct evaluations, consultations, therapy, and treatment, as long as funds are available, the need exceeds the supply of providers, and the providers are registered or licensed.
2. Approve actions deemed necessary for the orderly administration of expenditure agreements through December 31, 2025:
A. Acceptance of supplementary awards or rate adjustments the county may receive from funding sources other than county levy; and execute amendments with funders and contractors.
3. Authorize the County Manager to enter into expenditure grant agreements and execute amendments to agreements in a form approved by Finance and the County Attorney’s Office provided the amounts of funding are within the limits of the department’s approved budget.
Background and Rationale
Ramsey County Community Corrections operates across the Health and Wellness and Safety and Justice Service Teams, collaborating with the Second Judicial District and community service providers. It supports the criminal justice system through client screening, assessments, court reports, community supervision, and short-term custody. Its strategic goals-One Client One Plan, Reflect the Communities We Serve, Communicate and Engage, and More Community, Less Confinement-align with both Health and Wellness Service Team and the Ramsey County Board's Strategic Plan.
This board request seeks to streamline procurement processes in agreements for services the department provides, including direct agreements with mental health services when demand exceeds available vendors. These agreements provide essential services to justice-involved clients, helping them manage their risk of reoffending, address identified areas of need, and ultimately supporting their successful completion of probation and reintegration as productive members of the community.
The proposal promotes transparency in community engagement during contracting, especially for racially and culturally diverse individuals and families. Board approval will still be sought for policy changes, new grants, or budget impacts, while maintaining a competitive solicitation process.
County Goals (Check those advanced by Action)
☒ Well-being ☒ Prosperity ☒ Opportunity ☐ Accountability
Racial Equity Impact
Ramsey County is one of the most diverse counties in the state. Persons of color comprise 38% of the total Ramsey County population. African American youth and low-income communities are disproportionately represented in the criminal justice system. In 2023, African American youth made up about 20% of Ramsey County’s youth population (ages 10-19) but accounted for 63% of detention admissions and 52% of youth who were admitted to out-of-home placement. Similarly, adults of color and American Indian individuals represent 39% of the county’s adult population, yet they make up 68% of those returned to prison for supervision violations.
Ramsey County Community Corrections is committed to reducing confinement and expanding culturally focused community programs to support clients' reintegration. A key race equity strategy involves contracting with culturally specific providers to enhance services for clients. The department works closely with race equity planners and incorporates community voice when developing all solicitations, evaluation processes and awarding contracts resulting from solicitations.
Aligning with the county’s strategic priority of putting well-being and community at the center of justice system transformation, Ramsey County Community Corrections continues prioritizing race and gender inclusion and equity in decision-making. By intentionally addressing inequities in the criminal justice system, the department seeks partnerships and input from those with lived experience to ensure fair, effective services. Race and Health Equity Liaisons collaborate with the Research and Evaluation Unit to analyze data to identify and address disparities in our policies, services, and outcomes.
Community Participation Level and Impact
Minnesota Statutes 401 mandates that counties participating in the Community Corrections Act establish a Community Advisory Board (CAB), with representatives from law enforcement, prosecution, the judiciary, education, corrections, social services, and lay citizens. The CAB’s responsibilities include advising the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and Community Corrections Department, participate in formulating the Comprehensive Plan, and making budget and plan recommendations.
Community Corrections has expanded its reform efforts by incorporating client and community input into hiring, planning, contracting, and program development. The department is fostering collaborative decision-making and sharing resources with the community by holding meetings to discuss budget priorities and planning processes.
Community members will be involved in identifying needed services and in selection of contracted vendors, ensuring the department partners with providers who offer culturally specific services that reflect community values, promising practices, and the needs of those served.
☒ Inform ☒ Consult ☒ Involve ☐ Collaborate ☐ Empower
Fiscal Impact
Funding for these services is included in the approved 2025 Community Corrections budget.
Last Previous Action
On December 19, 2023, the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners approved the Community Corrections Department Annual Authority for Procurement Requests (Resolution B2023-255).