Sponsor: Community & Economic Development
Presentation: Update on Solicitations for Critical Corridors, Community Development Block Grant, and Housing Development
None. For information and discussion only.
Background and Rationale
Community & Economic Development (CED) hosted solicitations in spring 2023 to implement strategies and actions outlined in the Economic Competitiveness & Inclusion (ECI) Plan. This presentation reviews the processes for all solicitations.
The Critical Corridors programs align with the ECI Plan strategies around fostering inclusive economic development within county corridors, supporting equitable development, and developing pathways to entrepreneurship and business ownership in racially and ethnically diverse communities. They are funded by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) levy.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Services, Programs and Facilities is an annual federal entitlement grant administered by CED for projects that serve low-to-moderate income suburban residents and/or census block groups.
The 2023 Housing Development Solicitation continues the effort to increase the supply of deeply affordable housing in the county. It consolidates four funding sources into a “one-door” application for public, nonprofit and private developers: American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Home Investment Partnerships Act (HOME), and
HRA levy
1. Presentation