Sponsor: Parks & Recreation
Resolution for Minnesota Management and Budget for Release of Bond Funding for Battle Creek Waterworks Project
1. Pledge to complete the project or phase if it exceeds the total funding provided by the proposed $2,425,635.04 grant from the Minnesota Metropolitan Council.
2. Affirm that the Ramsey County has the financial capability to provide any required matching funds and that the source of the county’s matching funds shall be the Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Open Space - Facility Operations /Maintenance PRK BC Waterworks Renovation Account, Account #2024 441207.
Background and Rationale
Ramsey County owns and operates the Battle Creek Waterworks water park facility located at 2401 Upper Afton Road East, Maplewood, MN 55119. The water park was constructed in 2000 to serve the community as a family water park within the Ramsey County regional park system. As the facility is nearing 25 years old, there are several maintenance needs including needed repairs to mechanical systems, American Disability Act accessibility upgrades, energy efficiency upgrades, pool improvements, and new amenities needed to enhance the user experience. If maintenance issues are not addressed at the water park the facility could experience business interruptions.
During the 2023 state of Minnesota legislative session general obligation bonds and modernization funding were approved by the legislature to support infrastructure projects within the regional parks and trails system. In February 2024, the Ramsey County Board authorized the County Manager to establish a project budget for the Battle Creek Waterworks remodel. In July 2024, the Ramsey County Board approved the project budget and financing plan for the facility renovation and on August 13th, 2024, the board accepted $1,313,520 from the state of Minnesota Modernization Funds.
Before Minnesota Management and Budget can release the Minnesota State Bond Grant funding of $2,425,635.04 to Metropolitan Council for this project, a resolution containing project completion assurances and financial capability was requested.
County Goals (Check those advanced by Action)
☐ Well-being ☐ Prosperity ☐ Opportunity ☒ Accountability
Racial Equity Impact
The Battle Creek Waterworks facility is located within a racially diverse community and the majority patrons utilizing the facility are racially and ethnically diverse. Parks & Recreation (Parks) staff conducted community engagement prior to the planning phase of this project to ascertain resident’s desires for this facility. Engagement results found that community members greatly valued having a water park at this location and were very much in favor of addressing maintenance needs and investing in enhancements to the facility.
Community Participation Level and Impact
As was mentioned previously Parks conducted community engagement with residents during the 2023 to obtain feedback from residents about their deserves for improvements to the water park facility as well as user experience. Parks staff were able to incorporate feedback from residents into the renovation plans for the facility.
☒ Inform ☒ Consult ☒ Involve ☐ Collaborate ☐ Empower
Fiscal Impact
Project spend for the Battle Creek Waterworks Renovation Project Budget is estimated at $5,393,223 and includes $2,425,635 of funding from the state of Minnesota General Obligation Bonds and Metropolitan Council Bonds, $1,077,068 of Legacy grant funds, $577,000 of Operation and Maintenance funding from the state of Minnesota and $1,313,520 state of Minnesota Modernization Funds.
State General Obligation Bonds |
$2,425,635 |
FY 24 Battle Creek Legacy Grant |
$1,077,067 |
State Modernization Funds |
$1,313,520 |
State Operation & Maintenance Funds |
$ 577,000 |
$5,393,222 |
The project is expected to take place during the non-operating months so there is no anticipated operational impact.
Last Previous Action
On August 13, 2024, the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners accepted Modernization Funds for the Battle Creek Waterworks Facility Improvements (Resolution B2024-156).
On July 23, 2024, the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners approved the amended project budget and financing plan for the Battle Creek Waterworks (Resolution B2024-132).
1. Project Budget and Funding Source