File #: 2024-188   
Type: Administrative Item Status: Passed
In control: Housing and Redevelopment Authority
On agenda: 6/4/2024 Final action: 6/4/2024
Title: Spring 2024 Obligation of Housing and Redevelopment Authority Levy Toward Critical Corridors
Sponsors: Community & Economic Development
Attachments: 1. Critical Corridors Funding Recommendations Spring 2024, 2. Resolution


Sponsor: Community & Economic Development




Spring 2024 Obligation of Housing and Redevelopment Authority Levy Toward Critical Corridors





1.                     Approve recommended projects and funding amounts totaling $156,500 for Critical Corridors projects.

2.                     Authorize the County Manager to enter into the necessary grant, loan or other agreements and execute amendments to these agreements in a manner consistent with federal, state and local regulations and requirements, in a form approved by the County Attorney’s Office.



Background and Rationale


Ramsey County has a need for place-based investments that support identified goals around affordable housing, economic development, and community reinvestment. Ramsey County’s Economic Competitiveness and Inclusion (ECI) Plan prioritizes investments in place-based inclusion as necessary to create resilient and equitable communities. Countywide, there is a need for tens of thousands of new units of affordable housing, and hundreds more minority business enterprises are needed in order to match the US business ownership rate. Cities and communities are also looking for support to enact policies and plans that drive equitable development tailored to their community.


The Critical Corridors programs were created in 2022 to enact three key strategies from the Economic Competitiveness & Inclusion Plan that address these needs: (1) fostering inclusive economic development - including affordable housing -- within county transit, economic, and cultural corridors; (2) developing pathways to entrepreneurship and business ownership in racially and ethnically diverse communities; and (3) supporting communities in equitable site development.


To obligate HRA levy funds, Community & Economic Development (CED) staff opened the Planning (previously called “Pre-Development Planning”) and the Commercial Corridor Initiative Critical Corridors solicitations on March 6, 2024. These annual spring solicitations closed on April 3, 2024. The solicitations were publicized on the Ramsey County website, in the CED newsletter, on social media, and through direct outreach to partner organizations and cities. An informational webinar open to the public was held by CED staff on March 4, 2024. At the close of the solicitations, 6 applications were eligible and reviewed by interdepartmental evaluation teams.


Staff recommend that the HRA obligate $156,500 of the 2024 HRA levy to further strategies in the ECI Plan related to redevelopment activities through the Critical Corridors programs.


The following projects are recommended for HRA levy funding through the Spring 2024 Critical Corridors Solicitations. Additional information on each project and geographic distribution of funds can be found in the attachment, Critical Corridors Funding Recommendations Spring 2024.




Rice Street Corridor, District 6 Planning Council


Little Mekong Market Sustainable Stormwater Management, Asian Economic Development Association


City Center Northeast Quadrant Small Area Plan, City of Vadnais Heights



Commercial Corridor Initiative


Foundations of Belonging: Building Community Spirit and Connection in Little Canada, City of Little Canada




Critical Corridors Spring 2024 Recommendations






County Goals (Check those advanced by Action)

       Well-being             Prosperity                 Opportunity                 Accountability


Racial Equity Impact

HRA levy funds are invested in projects that aim to reduce racial disparities related to housing and economic development opportunities, in alignment with strategies from the Economic Competitiveness & Inclusion Plan. The recommended projects represent significant place-based investments in racially and ethnically diverse communities with intentional provisions to mitigate displacement pressures.


Community Participation Level and Impact

CED implemented a robust community engagement process in the creation of the Economic Competitiveness & Inclusion Plan and the approval of the HRA levy. This included engagement with residents, businesses, community organizations, other governmental agencies, elected officials, and local municipalities. Community was informed about the competitive solicitations, one step towards the implementation of the community-driven Economic Competitiveness & Inclusion Plan.

  Inform              Consult                                 Involve                      Collaborate        Empower                     


Fiscal Impact

In 2024, approximately $11,061,000 is available for housing and redevelopment projects under the HRA levy.  Of this amount, $6,350,000 has already been obligated to projects and programs through previous board actions. As a result of the actions in this RBA, $156,500 of HRA levy funds will be obligated to the Critical Corridors redevelopment projects. This leaves approximately $4,554,500 in HRA levy funds to be obligated through solicitations later in 2024.



Last Previous Action

On May 21, 2024, the Ramsey County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) approved the Spring Housing Development project obligations of $4,600,000 (Resolution H2024-006).


On November 28, 2023, the Ramsey County HRA approved the Fall Critical Corridors Development & Infrastructure program allocations of $1,392,158 (Resolution H2023-014).


On June 6, 2023, the Ramsey County HRA approved the Spring Critical Corridors Pre-Development Planning and Commercial Corridor Initiative program allocations of $161,900 (Resolution H2023-007).



1. Critical Corridors Funding Recommendations Spring 2024