Sponsor: Social Services
Single Source Agreement with 4Mativ Technologies. Inc. for Foster Care Transportation Services
1. Approve the selection of and single source agreement with 4MATIV Technologies, Inc., 959 Dayton Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55104, for the management and administration of foster care transportation services for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026, with an option for a one two-year renewal period for the period July 1, 2026 through June 30, 2028, in the not-to-exceed amount of $600,000.
2. Authorize the Chair and the Chief Clerk to execute the agreement.
Background and Rationale
Ramsey County is currently contracting with 4MATIV Technologies, Inc. (Contractor), for the period January 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023 to provide analysis and management of transportation services for foster care youth in suburban Ramsey County. As a result of an analysis provided through the current contract, potential cost savings and scheduling efficiencies were identified that could be replicated across the entire county for both suburban and Saint Paul Public Schools District (SPPS) students in need of foster care transportation services.
The contract with 4MATIV Technologies, Inc. for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2028 provides that the Contractor will manage foster care transportation for both Ramsey County suburban and SPPS students. The Contractor will coordinate transportation services for foster youth and provide opportunities for these youth to participate in extra-curricular educational activities and other school sponsored events that promote academic and athletic achievement as well as community involvement. The Contractor will administer the intake and route scheduling of foster youth to and from school, afterschool, sporting and extracurricular activities. Services include flexibility for seasonal, on-demand, one-off trips, or emergency back-up transportation services.
The Contractor will utilize a suite of tools to work with internal and external stakeholders, transportation vendors, student families, caretakers, county social workers and schools to organize all necessary school-qualified, bus, van, and other transportation vendors to create an optimal transportation mix of foster care transportation services for the county. Contractor will validate and process transportation vendor changes and consolidate billings to the county.
Following county single source policy and procedures, 4MATIV Technologies, Inc. was determined to be a single source provider of this service. The Contractor has the technical capacity and knowledge necessary to administer and manage the foster care transportation services throughout the entire county. After exploring other resources, county staff determined that continuing to contract with 4MATIV will be a cost-effective option to provide management and administration of foster care transportation services for the county’s suburban and SPPS students, while ensuring safety and access for individuals and families.
County Goals (Check those advanced by Action)
☒ Well-being ☐ Prosperity ☒ Opportunity ☐ Accountability
Racial Equity Impact
The Contractor will manage and administer foster care transportation services to youth that are referred for services by county social workers. According to Ramsey County data, 72% of foster care youth are African American, American Indian or members of the LGBTQ2S communities. The foster care youth tend to be unhoused and highly mobile, with some moving from place to place daily, and often in underserved neighborhoods where school transportation is lacking. The Contractor’s ability to ensure safe and consistent transportation services for these marginalized youth is particularly important in mitigating trauma and stress.
Community Participation Level and Impact
There is no community engagement for this request for board action. Services are provided to foster youth on a referral basis.
☒ Inform ☐ Consult ☐ Involve ☐ Collaborate ☐ Empower
Fiscal Impact
Funding of $120,000 annually is included the Social Services department’s 2023 budget and will be included future department budgets. The initial term of the agreement is for three years. The agreement can be renewed an additional two-year term. The maximum funding for the full five-year term is $600,000.
Last Previous Action
1. Ramsey County Single Source Request Form
2. Professional Services Agreement