Sponsor: Information Services
Agreement with Nearmap US, Inc. for Aerial Imagery and Web Services
1. Approve the selection of and the agreement with Nearmap US, Inc., 10897 South River Front Parkway, Suite 150, South Jordan, UT, 80495 for aerial imagery and web services for the period of July 31, 2022 through July 31, 2027 in the amount of $51,500 per year and $257,500 for the term of the agreement.
2. Authorize the Chair and Chief Clerk to execute the agreement.
3. Authorize the County Manager to execute amendments to the agreement in accordance with the county’s procurement policies and procedures, provided the amounts are within the limits of available funding.
Background and Rationale
Ramsey County, through the Information Services department, has an on-going need to acquire updated digital aerial imagery to capture varying ground, built environment, vegetation, and surface water conditions withing the county, for a variety of functions and tasks common to county government.
Uses of the desired aerial imagery data include basic mapping and visual inspection, use in planning, engineering design, natural resource management, support for public works and land surveying operations, preparing graphics for exhibits and presentations, disaster assessment and incident response, real estate acquisition, property value appraisal, environmental impact assessment, maintenance activities, landscape change detection, decision support for emergency services and for integration with other geospatial data sets. The county has previously entered into agreements with multiple aerial imagery contractors within the County Manager’s delegated authority.
The aerial imagery available to the county through this contractor’s subscription service will be used by various departments within the county and shall be shared with consultants, contractors, municipal units, watershed management unit staff, members of the Ramsey County GIS User Group (which is comprised of both municipal and watershed management unit staff and jointly contributes funds for this service), and other government agencies and the public as needed. In addition, it will be utilized in online web viewer applications as well as inserted into field collection applications to support the efficient and effective work of county government.
On June 16, 2021, a Request for Proposals (RFP) was released for Aerial Imagery and Web Services. The competitive solicitation summary is below:
RFP Title: Aerial Imagery and Web Services
RFP Release Date: June 16, 2021
RFP Response Date: July 22, 2021
Number of Contractors Notified: 50
Number of Proposal Responses: 4
Proposal Evaluation Team: Information Services Senior Business Analyst; Information Services Business Solutions Manager; County Assessor Land Records Supervisor; Country Assessor; Residential Appraiser 3; County Assessor Residential Supervisor; Emergency Communications GIS Specialist; Public Works County Surveyor.
Evaluation Criteria: Contractor Qualifications (experience, training, technical and professional ability); Personnel Qualifications (experience, training, technical and professional ability); Project Understanding and Approach; Cost,
Contractor recommended: Nearmap US, Inc.
The evaluation team reviewed the proposals based on the criteria identified in the solicitation and recommended Nearmap US, Inc.
County Goals (Check those advanced by Action)
☐ Well-being ☐ Prosperity ☐ Opportunity ☒ Accountability
Racial Equity Impact
The action of acquisition of aerial imagery by itself does not have a measurable racial equity impact as the action provides services the county uses to provide for its entire diverse community. The racial equity impact is considered by departments during the implementation of the supported programs and services for county residents. The county makes its aerial imagery resources available to the public in a variety of ways, through web mapping applications for viewing and usage and access to the files themselves via various means. Aerial imagery products are not language dependent resources as are other means of information delivery used by the county. By increasing the capacity to provide information to the public through this format, the county enhances the ability to communicate more equitably across cultural boundaries.
Community Participation Level and Impact
No community participation was engaged for the request for proposals or the selection of Nearmap US, Inc. However, the data and derived imagery acquired and used by the county from Nearmap US, Inc. contracted work will be available and can be accessed directly by the community at <https://maps.co.ramsey.mn.us/MapRamsey/> and via other sites and resources maintained and published by the county. Nearmap US, Inc.’s aerial imagery products will also serve and support many of the county’s daily activities and initiatives, which have potential for community engagement.
☒ Inform ☐ Consult ☐ Involve ☐ Collaborate ☐ Empower
Fiscal Impact
Funding is available in the approved 2022-23 Information Services operating budget and will be included in subsequent budgets.
Last Previous Action
1. Professional Services Agreement