Sponsor: Parks & Recreation
2025 Utilization Guidelines for Soil and Water Conservation District Aid
1. Approve utilization guidelines for Soil and Water Conservation District Aid for Ramsey County.
2. Direct Parks & Recreation department to post the utilization guidelines on the county’s public website.
Background and Rationale
The 2024 Minnesota State Statute 477A.23 regarding Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Aid was established as a standing, statutory, general fund appropriation through the Minnesota Department of Revenue to SWCDs. The board of each SWCD must establish, by resolution, annual guidelines for using payments.
The legislature originally appropriated $15 million per year for the first two years (for all SWCDs in Minnesota) and then $12 million thereafter. The $12 million is for aid payable in 2025, of which Ramsey County will receive approximately $100,000. Following the state fiscal year, disbursements will be made to each SWCD in two payments --July and December.
The aid amount for each SWCD is calculated based on three factors:
1. 80% of the appropriation would be split evenly between all SWCDs.
2. 10% of the appropriation based on a SWCD’s share of nonpublic lands.
3. 10% of the appropriation based on a SWCD’s share of adjusted state population.
The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners is the governing body for the Ramsey County SWCD. The Ramsey County SWCD preforms all SWCD duties and authorities (Minnesota Statutes 383B.761; Ramsey County Resolution B2018-169) through the Soil and Water Conservation division of the Parks & Recreation department.
SWCD Aid can be used toward but is not limited to: participating on technical evaluation panels to implement the wetland laws, assisting with education and outreach efforts, providing technical and financial assistance to residents to improve the quality, quantity and sustainability of natural resources including surface water, groundwater, soil and ecological resources along with other duties outlined in the 2025 SWCD Aid Utilization Guidelines.
County Goals (Check those advanced by Action)
☒ Well-being ☒ Prosperity ☒ Opportunity ☒ Accountability
Racial Equity Impact
This funding will be utilized for hiring seasonal staff, which includes interns from Saint Paul’s Right Track Program, whose mission is to provide, “work experience for under-resourced Saint Paul youth.” The commitment to mentor Right Track interns has been a high priority for the Parks Department and SWCD in particular for the past six years.
Community Participation Level and Impact
Community participation is encouraged throughout Soil and Water Conservation Division programs and services, as identified in the Comprehensive Plan 2017-2025. <https://www.ramseycounty.us/sites/default/files/Environment/Conservation%20District/RCD%20Comp%20Plan_04-11-18.pdf>
☒ Inform ☒ Consult ☐ Involve ☐ Collaborate ☐ Empower
Fiscal Impact
The Minnesota Department of Revenue will automatically disburse this aid in two payments per year to every SWCD. Ramsey County will receive approximately $100,000 in 2025 and thereafter. This action will meet the requirement for Ramsey County to receive the state SWCD Aid funding. The SWCD Aid allocation is included in the 2025 budget.
Last Previous Action
On November 28, 2023, the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners approved the utilization guidelines for Soil and Water Conservation District Aid for Ramsey County (Resolution B2023-219).
1. 2025 Utilization Guidelines