File #: 2023-383   
Type: Administrative Item Status: Passed
In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 9/5/2023 Final action: 9/5/2023
Title: Appointments to the Community Health Services Advisory Committee
Sponsors: Public Health
Attachments: 1. Community Health Services Advisory Committee Membership Roster.pdf, 2. Resolution


Sponsor: Public Health




Appointments to the Community Health Services Advisory Committee





Appoint the following individuals to the Community Health Services Advisory Committee for a term beginning September 5, 2023 and ending June 26, 2025:

                     Graciela Ogorman Bacigalupo

                     Nicole Muzzy

                     Ogden Rogers

                     Margaret Treichel



Background and Rationale


The Saint Paul - Ramsey County Community Health Services Advisory Committee (CHSAC) advises the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and Saint Paul Mayor and City Council on issues related to public health. The CHSAC members attend monthly meetings, which consist of presentations and discussions focused on current public health issues, which may include:

                     Identifying priority public health issues based on data, community engagement, professional knowledge and lived experiences. These priority issues provide guidance related to programs and services, action teams and budgetary allocation.

                     Working with the department on the development and implementation of the Strategic Plan and Community Health Improvement Plan.

                     Serving on department committees such as the Ethics Committee, or panels to review grant applications, public health award recipients, etc.

                     Assisting the department in various stages of interview process to fill vacant staff positions.

                     Connecting the department to communities, resources, data and insights related to a current or upcoming issue.

                     Providing policy recommendations to elected officials on public health issues, such as youth tobacco use and breastfeeding friendly workplaces.


The CHSAC has a total of 13 seats. Appointment terms are two years and staggered 50% each year. There are currently seven vacancies on the CHSAC - recruitment through the county’s open appointment process resulted in six applications. On July 19, 2023, the applications were forwarded to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners for review. Additionally, the commissioners held interviews with each applicant, which gave the commissioners the opportunity to engage with and learn more about each applicant beyond just the review of the online applications. Between August 14 and August 19, 2023, three commissioners interviewed the applicants for final recommendation.



County Goals (Check those advanced by Action)

       Well-being             Prosperity                 Opportunity                 Accountability


Racial Equity Impact

CHSAC members have a variety of lived experiences, knowledge and skills that are important as we work to address racial and ethnic-based health disparities and inequities that continue to exist in Ramsey County. The CHSAC provides critical direction on the department’s strategic plan and community health priorities both of which elevate and address racial and ethnic based health disparities and inequities that have been identified through the community health assessment, ongoing data collection, analysis and community engagement. The CHSAC will work in partnership with the county to ensure that racial and health equity remains a central focus creating a better future, where all are valued and thrive.


Community Participation Level and Impact

Members selected to the CHSAC provide a critical connection to the Saint Paul and Ramsey County community, bringing their diverse lived experience and knowledge to advise on health issues, priorities and policies.

  Inform              Consult                                 Involve                      Collaborate        Empower                     


Fiscal Impact

In 2022, Ramsey County began offering compensation for residents serving on formal advisory boards. CHSAC members have an opportunity to opt-in for a monthly $25 gift card attendance compensation. Advisory board compensation comes from the Ramsey County Community Engagement Fund.



Last Previous Action

On October 25, 2022, the Ramsey County Board appointed Donna Oda and Judge Sophia Y. Vuelo for a term ending June 26, 2024 (Resolution B2022-243).



1. Community Health Services Advisory Committee Membership Roster