File #: 2023-346   
Type: Administrative Item Status: Passed
In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 8/8/2023 Final action: 8/8/2023
Title: Grant Award from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Continuum of Care Planning Grant
Sponsors: Housing Stability
Attachments: 1. HUD Planning Grant Award Letter (1), 2. Ramsey County Continuum of Care Grant Agreement, 3. Resolution


Sponsor: Housing Stability




Grant Award from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Continuum of Care Planning Grant                     





1.                     Ratify the submittal of the grant application to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, 212 Third Avenue South, Suite 150 Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55401 for the Continuum of Care Grant.

2.                     Accept a grant award and approve a grant agreement with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for Heading Home Ramsey Continuum of Care lead agency planning for the period of November 1, 2024 to October 31, 2025 in the amount of $212,012.

3.                     Authorize the Chair and Chief Clerk to execute the grant agreement.

4.                     Authorize the County Manager to enter into agreements and execute amendments to agreements in accordance with the county’s procurement policies and procedures, provided the amounts are within the limits of the grant funding.



Background and Rationale


The Ramsey County Housing Stability department serves as the lead agency for the Heading Home Ramsey Continuum of Care (HHR CoC), a community-wide partnership committed to the goal of ending homelessness in Ramsey County. HHR CoC is a coalition of social service providers, housing providers, philanthropic partners, business, community, government, and citizens working together to create and implement cost-effective solutions to ending homelessness. HHR CoC is responsible for planning and implementing the homeless response system in Ramsey County and carries out specific duties defined by the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the state of Minnesota.


As the lead agency, Housing Stability:

1.                     Leads coordination activities with Heading Home Ramsey Governing Board, Steering Committee, workgroups, and other CoC members; HUD-funded and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) projects and providers; coordinated entry programs; the Minnesota Interagency Council on Homelessness (MICH); and other metro area continua of care,

2.                     Sets and communicates performance goals for all CoC and ESG projects; establishes baseline and on-going reporting for system-wide performance goals; reports and presents on coordinated entry goals and outcomes; collects data and monitors data quality through the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS),

3.                     Designs and implements a project monitoring plan, communicating, and visiting with each ESG and CoC project to follow up on all aspects of the plan, and report results,

4.                     Participates in city and county consolidated plan planning and public meetings, providing data used in preparation for sections on homelessness and housing,

5.                     Develops and implements a coordinated entry system, and

6.                     Conducts CoC funding application activities and HUD compliance activities.


Ramsey County applied for this grant last year as part of HUD’s annual Notice of Funding Opportunity process, and this funding will support 2.0 Full Time Equivalent staff within the department who provide work on the HHR CoC.




County Goals (Check those advanced by Action)

       Well-being             Prosperity                 Opportunity                 Accountability


Racial Equity Impact

This grant supports the work of the HHR Continuum of Care to end homelessness, serving a group of people with significant racial disparities compared to the county overall. Ramsey County’s 2023 Point-In-Time Count on January 25 found 368 unsheltered households, of which 353 were Adult Only households. 38% of these unsheltered households identified as Black or African American compared to just 13% of the county population; 9% identified as American Indian or Indigenous compared to only 1% of the county population; 4% identified as White compared to 60% of the county population. These measures are similar to Ramsey County’s homeless population.


Community Participation Level and Impact

The HHR CoC is led by a 24-member Governing Board and a 25-member Steering Committee, and all meetings are open to the public. A majority of the Governing Board members are elected at an annual meeting open to the public. HHR is a community-wide partnership of social service providers, housing providers, philanthropic partners, business, community, government, and citizens working together to end homelessness in Ramsey County.


  Inform              Consult                                 Involve                      Collaborate        Empower


Fiscal Impact

These funds and a local match for $212,012 cover staff costs for 2.0 Full Time Equivalent staff in Housing Stability who support the work of the Heading Home Ramsey Continuum of Care. These funds are included in the 2023 budget and will be included in the proposed 2024-2025 budget.



Last Previous Action




1.                     HUD Planning Grant Award Letter

2.                     Ramsey County Continuum of Care Grant Agreement