Sponsor: Parks & Recreation
Battle Creek Regional Park Master Plan Amendment
1. Approve the Battle Creek Regional Park Master Plan Amendment dated March 31, 2023.
2. Authorize submission of the Battle Creek Regional Park Master Plan Amendment to the Metropolitan Council.
3. Direct the County Manager to evaluate the following county-owned properties for potential alignment with the Battle Creek Regional Park Master Plan as a part of each property’s land use and redevelopment planning process:
a. The former site of Boys Totem Town;
b. Maplewood Properties South (formerly The Ponds at Battle Creek); and
c. Maplewood Properties North (formerly part of the Ramsey County Correctional Facility).
Background and Rationale
Parks & Recreation department has prepared a master plan amendment for Battle Creek Regional Park to accurately reflect long-term infrastructure and recreational improvements, boundary adjustments, long-term acquisitions, natural resource improvements, programming, public participation, and equity analysis.
Battle Creek Regional Park is 1,927 acres and is comprised of the Battle Creek and Pigs Eye Lake sections. The Battle Creek Regional Park Amendment has been developed to act as a separate guiding document from the Pigs Eye Lake Master Plan Amendment since the Pigs Eye Lake section is at a different level of development than the Battle Creek section. The main Battle Creek section is moderately developed with maintained trail systems, signage and other recreation facilities. Only the western portion of the Battle Creek section is within the Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area (MRCCA). This section of park is subject to MRCCA regulations (state statute under Minnesota Rule 6106) which is in place to protect the unique natural and cultural resources and values within this corridor.
This master plan amendment replaces the 1981 Battle Creek Master Plan for the Battle Creek section of the regional park. The Battle Creek Master Plan amendment is written to fulfill the Metropolitan Council requirements for regional park as outlined in the 2040 Regional Parks Policy Plan and to meet the expectations set forth in the 2018 Ramsey County Parks and Recreation System Plan.
Parks & Recreation department worked in coordination with Metropolitan Council staff and the public throughout the master plan amendment development process. If approved by the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners, the master plan amendment will be forwarded to the Metropolitan Council for review and approval. Once the master plan amendment is approved by the Metropolitan Council, costs associated with all improvements identified in the master plan amendment will be eligible for reimbursement through grants administered by the Metropolitan Council for Regional Parks and Trails.
For more information on the Battle Creek Master Plan Amendment, please visit:
County Goals (Check those advanced by Action)
☒ Well-being ☐ Prosperity ☒ Opportunity ☒ Accountability
Racial Equity Impact
An equity analysis was completed including demographics, economic, and income characteristics. Engagement activities were developed and prioritized for equity, inclusivity, maximizing voices heard, and geographic representation. Public engagement was intended to reach as wide of an audience as possible, while also focusing on an equitable approach through a selection of engagement sessions in order to reach as racially diverse audience as possible.
Engagement material and community notifications were available in multiple languages to maximize awareness and engagement opportunities. To ensure opinions of a racially diverse audience were included in the master plan, Parks & Recreation held pop-up meetings at various community festivals, events, and at reservations made at the Battle Creek Regional Park pavilion including:
• Hmong Town Marketplace
• Battle Creek Pavilion Eritrean Muslim Council Event
• Southeast Community Organization Community Event
• Battle Creek Recreation Center Food Shelf Night
• Southeast Community Organization Council Meeting
• Carver Elementary Family Night
• Battle Creek Middle School English as a Second Language Classroom
Community Participation Level and Impact
Public, stakeholder, and agency engagement for the Battle Creek Regional Park Master Plan amendment was completed through a multi-year effort by Parks & Recreation. Public engagement activities were completed in three different phases:
• Phase 1 community engagement activities included pop up meetings and online survey.
• Phase 2 community engagement activities included a community meeting, stakeholder meetings, online survey, virtual design event, virtual community design meeting.
• Phase 3 community engagement activities included a 30-day preferred concept plan review, 45-day draft report review, municipal support and resolutions
To achieve the public engagement goals, racially and ethnically diverse communities, trail users, and residents and business were engaged throughout the project corridor. Input received as a part of the engagement activities is reflected throughout the masterplan amendment. Overall, more than 2,500 feedback responses were received though online surveys and direct comments.
Engagement activities included pop-up meetings, in-person and virtual community design events and meetings, and online surveys. Parks and Recreation worked with community partners such as Southeast Community Organization Council, cities of Saint Paul and Maplewood, Saint Paul Public Housing Agency as well as the Ramsey County Parks & Recreation Commission. Engagement activities and notifications were completed through various methods consisting of website updates, public open houses, pop-up events, direct mailings, direct meetings with homeowners and business, flyers and social media.
☒ Inform ☒ Consult ☒ Involve ☒ Collaborate ☐ Empower
Fiscal Impact
Metropolitan Council approval of the master plan amendment will establish eligibility for future regional park improvement grants and regional operational and maintenance funds. Overall long-term improvements are estimated at $30,150,000 for implementation. Improvements are planned to be constructed through various funding sources such as Metropolitan Council grants and state bonding funds to minimize impacts to Ramsey County’s operating budget. Projects will be completed as funds become available so there is not an immediate fiscal impact to the county operating budget. Approximately, 8% of operation and maintenance funding for Battle Creek Regional Park is provided by state funds.
Last Previous Action
On February 16, 2021, the Ramsey County Board approved a master plan amendment to the Battle Creek Regional Park for the Pigs Eye Lake Master Plan Amendment (Resolution B2021-042).
1. Battle Creek Master Plan Amendment dated March 31, 2023
2. Battle Creek Regional Park Master Plan Engagement Summary