Sponsor: Property Management
Capital Improvement Program Contingent Request for the Juvenile and Family Justice Center Elevator Modernization Project
Authorize the County Manager to allocate up to $613,000 from the Capital Improvement Program Contingent Fund Balance to the Juvenile and Family Justice Center Elevator Modernization Capital Improvement Program project budget.
Background and Rationale
Property Management has two elevator modernization projects approved as 2024 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Major Projects. The two projects are the Law Enforcement Center (LEC) Elevator Modernization Project at $3,872,000, and the Juvenile and Family Justice Center (JFJC) Elevator Modernization Project at $2,833,000. Based on the revised cost estimates to complete each of these projects utilizing the low bids from the recent solicitations, the LEC project is over funded and the JFJC project is underfunded.
To close the funding gap for the JFJC project, on December 5th Property Management presented a request to the Capital Improvement Program Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CIPAC) for additional funding. The request included the amended project scope, cost and financing for both the LEC and JFJC elevator modernization projects.
CIPAC recommended the approval of a use of contingent funds in an amount up to $613,000 to further fund the JFJC project. CIPAC support included the expectation that the anticipated funding surplus of approximately $1,490,000 from the LEC project would be returned to the contingent account to support future requests.
County Goals (Check those advanced by Action)
☐ Well-being ☐ Prosperity ☐ Opportunity ☒ Accountability
Racial Equity Impact
The racial equity impact of this action is unknown at this time.
Community Participation Level and Impact
The original CIP requests and this additional funding request were reviewed by the Capital Improvement Project Capital Advisory Committee.
☒ Inform ☒ Consult ☐ Involve ☐ Collaborate ☐ Empower
Fiscal Impact
Both the original LEC project budgeted amount of $3,782,000 and the JFJC project budgeted amount of $2,833,000 were included in the 2024/2025 approved CIP budget and 2024-2029 plan. With the transfer of $613,000 from CIP contingent fund balance, the JFJC project budget will be increased to $3,446,000. Sufficient funds are available in the contingent account to support this request. After project completion, remaining funds from both the LEC and JFJC project will be returned to the contingent account.
Last Previous Action
On December 12, 2023, the Ramsey County Board of Commissioner approved the 2024-25 Capital Improvement Program Budget (Resolution B2023-246).
1. JFJC Elevator Modernization Budget and Financing Plan