File #: 2025-045   
Type: Administrative Item Status: Passed
In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action: 2/18/2025
Title: First Amendment to Lease Agreement with Maplewood Partners, LLC for Temporary Service Center Space
Sponsors: Property Management, Enterprise and Administrative Services
Attachments: 1. First Amendment to Lease Agreement, 2. Resolution


Sponsor: Property Management & Enterprise and Administrative Services




First Amendment to Lease Agreement with Maplewood Partners, LLC for Temporary Service Center Space





1.                     Approve the first amendment to the lease agreement with Maplewood Partners, LLC, PO Box 688, White Bluff, TN, 37187, for space at the Maplewood Mall, 3001 White Bear Avenue North, Suite 1034, Maplewood, MN, 55109, for the period of March 1, 2025 through March 31, 2025.

2.                     Authorize the Chair and Chief Clerk to execute the lease amendment.



Background and Rationale


In 2022, Ramsey County established a Service Center in the Maplewood Mall to offer county services in proximity to residents. Currently, Enterprise and Administrative Services offers in-person services through a service center model. The in-person model provides a wide range of assistance to those in need of county programs and services including, but not limited to, emergency rental assistance, MNsure health coverage, supplemental nutrition assistance, Minnesota family investment programs, community career labs, social services, resources for pregnant and parenting families with young children, property services, voting and voter registration, and programs for seniors and adults with no children. Workforce Solutions periodically provides access to employment guidance counseling and operates a Career Lab within the Service Center.


The existing service center space within the Maplewood Mall is currently closed and under renovation to improve the space so that it better meets the needs of the public and staff.


Property Management is near completion of renovation of the existing service center space, however one additional month is needed to complete renovation and to provide for a smooth transition in the improved space.  Property Management has negotiated an additional one-month lease extension for the temporary Service Center space within the Maplewood Mall.



County Goals (Check those advanced by Action)

       Well-being             Prosperity                 Opportunity                 Accountability


Racial Equity Impact

Maintaining Service Center availability and access to critical embedded partners (Libraries, Workforce Solutions, Financial Assistance Services) is a necessary commitment to the Maplewood community and its diverse resident population, so that residents continue to have access to basic needs services during the renovation period.


Community Participation Level and Impact

Ramsey County Enterprise and Administrative Services, in coordination with Ramsey County Workforce Solutions and Financial Assistance Services, provides engagement with the community on an on-going basis at the current Service Center location and understands the needs for services at this location. This engagement fostered the decision to remain open in a temporary Maplewood Mall location during the renovation.

  Inform              Consult                                 Involve                      Collaborate        Empower                     


Fiscal Impact

The one-month lease extension is provided for the rental rate of $5,627, and it is funded by the Enterprise and Administrative Services budget.



Last Previous Action

On July 23, 2024, the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners approved the lease agreement with Maplewood Partners, LLC, for the temporary service center space at the Maplewood Mall (Resolution B2024-135).



1. First Amendment to Lease Agreement.