Sponsor: Sheriff's Office
2025 Salary Rate for the Ramsey County Sheriff
1. Set the annual salary for the Ramsey County Sheriff at $186,706 effective January 1, 2025.
2. Authorize the continuation of the contribution to deferred compensation consistent with that approved for non-represented employees for 2025.
3. Authorize the continuation of the uniform/clothing allowance of $1,375 for 2025.
Background and Rationale
The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners is required by law to set the salary of the elected Ramsey County Sheriff.
The longstanding custom and practice for setting the annual salary for the Ramsey County Sheriff is to invite the incumbent to make a written salary request to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners. A salary request from the incumbent is attached.
When requesting a salary for 2025, the following factors were considered:
• Over the last six years, the Sheriff has only requested one salary increase. This was in part due to COVID-related financial pressures. From 2019 to 2022, the Sheriff’s salary remained the same. The Sheriff’s salary was increased once in 2023 and has not been adjusted since.
• The salary of the Sheriff’s Chief Deputy now exceeds the salary of the Sheriff. This is because of the cost-of-living adjustments provided to county employees.
• In 2024, the Ramsey County Sheriff’s salary is the lowest in the seven-county metro area. For reference, the 2024 salaries for the sheriffs in the seven-county metro are: Anoka County, $208,000; Washington County, $203,321, Dakota County, $192,500; Carver County, $190,955; Hennepin County, $190,419; and Scott County, $186,967.
For the above reasons, a salary of $186,706 is requested for 2025. This represents a 9% increase and sets the Sheriff’s salary slightly above the Chief Deputy. As per past practice, it is also requested to continue the contribution to deferred compensation consistent with that approved for unclassified employees and a uniform/clothing allowance of $1,375 for 2025.
Even with this increase, the requested salary still sets the Ramsey County Sheriff’s salary the lowest in the seven-county metro area in 2025.
County Goals (Check those advanced by Action)
☒ Well-being ☒ Prosperity ☒ Opportunity ☒ Accountability
Racial Equity Impact
Upon approval, this action provides increased transparency in the setting of the salary of a key county position who is elected to serve the residents of Ramsey County. In the Sheriff’s Office broader work, racial equity remains a priority, including establishing terms and conditions of employment that support recruitment and retention of a diverse workforce.
Community Participation Level and Impact
There is no community engagement associated with this board action.
☒ Inform ☐ Consult ☐ Involve ☐ Collaborate ☐ Empower
Fiscal Impact
Funds will be used from the Sheriff’s Office allocated personnel funding in the 2025 operating budget.
Last Previous Action
On December 19, 2023, the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners set the 2024 salary of the Ramsey County Sheriff (Resolution B2023-260).
1. Letter to County Board of Commissioners - November 19, 2024