File #: 2024-394   
Type: Administrative Item Status: Passed
In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 10/8/2024 Final action: 10/8/2024
Title: Extension of the Countywide Unclassified Limited Duration Appointments
Sponsors: Human Resources
Attachments: 1. Resolution


Sponsor: Human Resources




Extension of the Countywide Unclassified Limited Duration Appointments





1.                     Approve the extension of 98.0 unclassified limited duration positions for the COVID-19 response beyond the end of the emergency declaration as long as a 1) a business need exists, including continued COVID-19 response or recovery operations or urgent, limited time frame high priority needs; 2) funding is available; and 3) not to exceed the end of 2026 without further board action.

2.                     Approve an additional 2.0 unclassified limited duration positions for the COVID-19 response beyond the end of the emergency declaration as long as a 1) a business need exists, including continued COVID-19 response or recovery operations or urgent, limited time frame high priority needs; 2) funding is available; and 3) not to exceed the end of 2026 without further board action.



Background and Rationale


In March 2020 Ramsey County began responding to community needs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Ramsey County declared a state of emergency and received funding from the federal government under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to assist with its response efforts.


Multiple departments utilized CARES dollars to increase staffing in order to expand operations to meet the needs of the community, including Public Health, Workforce Solutions, Financial Assistance Services, the Ramsey County Care Center, Finance and the county stood up new operations to respond to homelessness.


These staff were authorized through Resolution B2020-133 and Resolution B2020-169. Resolution B2020-133 authorized up to 130 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) unclassified limited duration positions and Resolution B2020-169 authorized up to 91 FTE unclassified limited duration positions for a total of 221 limited duration appointments. All positions were initially authorized through December 30, 2020 when CARES funding ended and then were extended through the end of Ramsey County’s emergency declaration. In August 2021, Human Resources brought forward a request to extend the limited duration FTEs beyond the end of the emergency declaration as long as a business need existed related to COVID-19 response or recovery, and funding was available. Resolution B2021-174 had an end date of December 31, 2022. Most recently, Resolution B2022-285 authorized 98 unclassified limited duration positions for the COVID-19 response not to exceed the end of 2024 without further board action. The board has authority to designate positions as unclassified limited duration under Minnesota Statutes 383A.286, Subdivision (l).


Without the limited duration positions in 2020-2024, the county would have been unable to adequately respond and appropriately care for or serve residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ramsey County continues to respond to COVID-19 and also implement the initiatives funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). These limited duration FTEs are an essential part of the ongoing ARPA funded initiatives. This request is to extend 98 limited duration FTEs that the board approved previously and an additional 2.0 limited duration FTEs to ensure Workforce Solutions and Finance have the necessary staffing to continue their ARPA programs and supports through December 31, 2026, which is when all ARPA funding must be expended.


The FTEs are all supported by a business need to provide COVID-19 response or urgent, limited timeframe high priority needs, and available funding. Staff will return to the board with any needed extensions beyond that date. Below are the details on where these FTEs are being used and a brief summary of their need and funding source.


Housing Stability

                     Limited Duration Staff Needed: 16

                     Funding Source: Part of the $6.1 million grant from state of Minnesota for shelter support, as well as additional grants from other sources including the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Minnesota State Office of Economic Opportunity, and the Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program.

                     These positions will provide planning and processing staff for single point of entry into the county’s shelter network. Staff will also provide night transportation to and from shelters and warming stations during our extreme weather protocols; as well as provide night supervision.


Workforce Solutions

                     Limited Duration Staff Needed: 5

                     Funding Source: ARPA, Minnesota Youth Programs - Department of Employment & Economic Development, Technology Governance Committee Funds

                     These positions will provide staff support for implementing ARPA workforce initiatives in partnership with city of Saint Paul including Driver’s License Academy, Right Track expansion, Young Adult Career Academy, Power Within Us, Job Ready Supports. Also included is Communications support.


Public Health

                     Limited Duration Staff Needed: 40

                     Funding Source: ARPA, Federal Funds and Minnesota Department of Health Funds

                     Limited duration staff have been critical to the department’s ongoing COVID-19 response work through testing, vaccination, logistics, communications, community outreach, essential services, planning and administrative support. Public Health expects additional pandemic response effort and need for staff resources associated with the newest vaccination opportunity and ongoing COVID-19 surges in community.

                     Public Health also plans to use limited duration positions to back-fill physician and staff time in the Tuberculosis (TB) Clinic, and staff for mental health support, violence prevention and response, including intimate partner violence, Public Health Pathways and supportive public health services in community. The emergence of other infectious diseases and Public Health’s response for testing and vaccine at the local level may also necessitate some additional limited duration staff for an appropriate response.


Financial Assistance Services

                     Limited Duration Staff Needed: 16

                     Funding Source: ARPA

                     Financial Assistance Services continued to need 16 limited duration Clerk Typist positions. The Financial Assistance Services department workload has increased and become complex, necessitating the continued support from the limited duration clerks to maintain efficiency, service quality, and staff wellbeing.


Aging & Disability Services and MnChoices

                     Limited Duration Staff Needed: 18

                     Funding Source: ARPA

                     MnChoices needs 18 limited duration positions including social workers and administrative positions to address back logs in their area due to COVID-19 and other delays.


Operational Support Services (Finance)

                     Limited Duration Staff Needed: 5

                     Funding Source: ARPA

The Operational Support Services area within Finance provides ongoing administrative support for all ARPA related projects including program evaluation, invoicing, vendor support, subrecipient monitoring, accounting and Federal Treasury reporting. The five positions support this work and are needed through the close out of the grant.



County Goals (Check those advanced by Action)

       Well-being             Prosperity                 Opportunity                 Accountability


Racial Equity Impact

Approving the continuation of the COVID-19 response unclassified limited duration appointments will enable the county to maintain staffing levels and continuity of operations necessary to continue its ARPA-funded programming developed to support the county’s pandemic response. While the need for assistance spans all races, genders, economic, and age groups, the pandemic continues to disparately impact racially and ethnically diverse communities. This action upholds the county’s values of people, equity, community, leadership and integrity.


Community Participation Level and Impact

There is no community engagement associated with this request for board action.

  Inform              Consult                                 Involve                      Collaborate        Empower                     


Fiscal Impact

No new funding is needed for this request. ARPA funds and additional grants and other funding through the county, state and federal government have been identified for the initiatives listed above. Finance will work with departments to ensure the costs of limited duration positions are within budget.



Last Previous Action

On December 13, 2022, the Ramsey County Board approved the use of 98 Limited Duration positions for the continuing COVID-19 response beyond the end of the emergency declaration as long as 1) a business need exists, including continued COVID-19 response or recovery operations or urgent, limited timeframe high priority needs; 2) funding is available; and 3) not to exceed the end of 2024 without further board action (Resolution B2022-285).


