funds are available, the need exceeds the supply of providers, and the
providers are registered or licensed.
F. Providers when the Minnesota Department of Human Services has issued
the solicitation for an existing service in the county and selected the
contractor or when the Minnesota Department of Human Services has
approved the contractor through a certification process.
G. Providers of foster care emergency shelter, foster care and emergency
shelter administrative management services, corporate foster care,
community residential care program, respite care, and emergency shelter;
as long as funds are available, the need exceeds the supply of providers,
and the providers are registered or licensed.
H. Providers of adult day services, individualized home support services,
prevocational services, day support services, employment services, and semi
independent living skills services, when that service has been selected by the
consumer, or his or her guardian, in accordance with Minnesota Statute
I. Providers of out-of-state residential treatment for children, as long as funds
are available, no in- state treatment provider can be identified that meets the
needs of the children to be placed, the selected provider is licensed by a
state authority and accredited by the Joint Commission, the Commission on
Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, or the Council on Accreditation.
J. Medical directors for Social Services detoxification services, the Mental
Health Center, and for Social Services in county correctional programs, as
long as funds are available, the need exceeds the supply of providers, and
the providers are licensed.
K. Providers of intensive residential treatment services when the Minnesota
Department of Human Services has approved the contractor through a
certification process.
L. Providers of accreditation training services for mental health professionals
in accordance with Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic
M. Culturally specific emergency shelter and foster care, culturally specific group
residential providers, culturally specific liaisons to prevent education neglect
and child protection involvement, culturally specific services for American
Indian families involved in child protection, culturally specific services to
prevent out of home placement, culturally specific guardianship and culturally
specific parent mentoring by peers.
Approve actions deemed necessary for the orderly administration of
expenditure agreements through December 31, 2025
A. Acceptance of supplementary awards or rate adjustments the county may
receive from funding sources other than county levy; and execute
amendments with funders and contractors.
B. Approve letters of need determination, including any new Rule 31
Outpatient Treatment Agreements, subject to any exclusions in
Resolution 93-457.
Authorize the County Manager to enter into expenditure grant
agreements and execute amendments to agreements in a form approved by
Finance and the County Attorney’s Office provided the amounts of funding
are within the limits of the department’s approved budget.
Motion by Frethem, seconded by McGuire. Motion passed.
Aye: Frethem, McGuire, Moran, Ortega, Reinhardt, and Xiong
Resolution: B2024-235