Project Type: Solar energy improvements
Assessment Request: $380,292
Interest Rate: 6.75%
Interest Starts Accruing: 01/01/2026
Finance Period: 15 years
Such assessments shall be payable in equal annual principal and interest
installments extending over the term of the special assessment. The first of the
installments shall be payable with general property taxes in 2026, and shall bear
interest at the rates per annum and interest start date stated above, and to the
first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the
interest start date until December 31 of the tax payable year to which the first
installment will be extended, and to each subsequent installment, when due,
shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments and to each
installment shall also be added the special assessment administration fee
required by Minnesota Statutes section 429.061, subdivision. 5.
2. Direct the Chief Clerk to send a certified copy of this Resolution to the
County Auditor to extend the assessment for Every Meal on the property tax
lists of the county.
Motion by McGuire, seconded by Miller. Motion passed.
Jebens-Singh, McGuire, Miller, Moran, Ortega, and Xiong
Resolution: B2025-022
Allocate State Affordable Housing Aid for Housing Development Projects by
Emerging and Diverse Developers
Sponsors: Community & Economic Development
1. Approve the recommended project and funding amount for a housing development
project selected in the Emerging and Diverse Developers Solicitation.
2. Authorize the County Manager to enter into the necessary loan or other agreements
and execute amendments to loan or other agreements in a manner consistent with local
regulations and requirements, in a form approved by the County Attorney’s Office.
Motion by McGuire, seconded by Miller. Motion passed.
Jebens-Singh, McGuire, Miller, Moran, Ortega, and Xiong
Resolution: B2025-023
Presented by Commissioner McGuire. Discussion can be found on archived video.
Presented by County Manager, Ling Becker. Discussion can be found on archived video.
Discussion can be found on archived video.
Presented by Chair Ortega. Discussion can be found on archived video.
Chair Ortega declared the meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m.