Enterprise Advisory Commission Ordinance.
Chair Reinhardt opened the public hearing at 9:05 a.m. There were no speakers signed up to
comment - the chair called three times for public comments. Hearing none, the chair closed the
public hearing at 9:08 a.m.
Motion by Ortega, seconded by Frethem. Motion passed.
Frethem, McGuire, Ortega, Reinhardt, and Xiong
Resolution: B2024-255
2025 Capital Improvement Program Bond Ordinance - Waive Second Reading
and Hold Public Hearing
Sponsors: Finance
1. Waive the second reading of the proposed 2025 Capital Improvement Program Bond
2. Hold the public hearing for the proposed 2025 Capital Improvement Program Bond
Chair Reinhardt opened the public hearing at 9:08 a.m. There were no speakers signed up to
comment - the chair called three times for public comments. Hearing none, the chair closed the
public hearing at 9:10 a.m.
Motion by Frethem, seconded by Xiong. Motion passed.
Frethem, McGuire, Ortega, Reinhardt, and Xiong
Resolution: B2024-256
Memorandum of Understanding with the Partners of the Ramsey County Bail
Reform Work Group for the Supported Pre-Charge Release Process
Sponsors: County Attorney's Office
1. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the partners of the Ramsey County
Bail Reform Work Group for the Supported Pre-Charge Release Process.
2. Authorize the Board Chair to execute the Memorandum of Understanding.
Motion by Moran, seconded by Ortega. Motion passed.
Frethem, Moran, Ortega, Reinhardt, and Xiong
Resolution: B2024-257
Grant Agreement with Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented
Policing Services for Ramsey County Emergency and Public Safety
Communications Network Replacement
Sponsors: Emergency Communications
1. Ratify the submittal of the grant application to Department of Justice Office for Fiscal
Year 24 Community Oriented Policing Services Technology and Equipment Program
Invitational Solicitation.
2. Accept a grant award and approve a grant agreement with the Department of Justice
Office for Emergency and Public Safety Communications Network Replacement for the
period of upon execution through March 31, 2026 in the amount of $2,965,000.
3. Authorize the Chair and Chief Clerk to execute the grant agreement.
4. Authorize the County Manager to enter into agreements and execute amendments to