File #: 2022-499   
Type: Administrative Item Status: Passed
In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 9/27/2022 Final action: 9/27/2022
Title: Revised Salary Grade for the Job Classification, Information Systems Chief Information Security Officer - Unclassified
Sponsors: Human Resources
Attachments: 1. Position Descriptions, 2. Comparable Salary Information, 3. Resolution


Sponsor: Human Resources




Revised Salary Grade for the Job Classification, Information Systems Chief Information Security Officer - Unclassified





Approve the Revised Salary Grade for the job classification in the following title:


Job Classification                     Schedule                     Grade                     Annual Salary Range

Information Systems Chief Information                     From: 98B                      38                     $  93,319 - $138,777

Security Officer (Unclassified)                     To:     98B          42                     $109,149 - $162,327



Background and Rationale


The Human Resources department received a request from the Information Services department to review the salary of the Information Services Chief Information Security Officer (Unclassified) classification due to difficulty attracting, promoting and retaining talent at the current salary grade.


Information Services develops and maintains Ramsey County’s technology infrastructure and establishes countywide enterprise standards and policies to promote a strong, efficient and secure information technology environment. These controls are intended to minimize information system vulnerabilities and threats and meet legal and regulatory requirements for protecting data and systems.


The Chief Information Security Officer provides directions to the Information Systems team to take the lead in providing countywide information security policy, standards and resources, and helping departments protect their information assets. These services include:


                     Information security policy:

o                     Protect county and resident information from unauthorized access and save the county from costly fines, penalties and recovery efforts.

o                     Ensure data integrity and confidentiality.

o                     Allow department leadership to make more informed, risk-based decisions across the county technology environment.

                     Information security awareness:

o                     Keeping Ramsey County technology resources and information secure.

                     Mandatory information security training:

o                     Requires all county staff and certain vendors, volunteers, interns and students to complete training on various data governance topics.


Due to the increasing threats to the security of data and changing security landscape and regulations, Ramsey County needs to offer a competitive pay to attract and retain talent. This is in line with the county’s strategic priorities, such as a resident first approach to provide efficient and accessible services, advancing a holistic approach to strengthen families, economic competitiveness and inclusion, and the talent priority.


Human Resources followed its normal process for conducting the classification study and determined:

                     The Chief Information Security Officer job classification fell below 18% of the county’s core comparator benchmark market comparisons. Positions that are over a 10% misalignment with the market average are considered a “critical” market misalignment.

                     External salary comparisons support regrading the classifications to salary schedule 98B grade 42 ($109,149 - $162,327 annually). 


The philosophy behind Ramsey County’s compensation program is to create a program that supports Ramsey County’s vision, mission, and goals <> by utilizing the Talent Priority strategies. Ramsey County is committed to administering a compensation program in a manner that is fair and equitable. Ramsey County will position itself at the 65th percentile of its relevant core comparators, ensuring that our organization is competitive within the public service sector.



County Goals (Check those advanced by Action)

       Well-being             Prosperity                 Opportunity                 Accountability


Racial Equity Impact

This action will bring the salaries of these positions into alignment with the county’s compensation philosophy to achieve equitable market pay. Offering competitive wages and being intentional about attracting and hiring diverse applicants who are reflective of the community we serve will have a positive impact in our community.


Community Participation Level and Impact

This action is strictly operational and internal facing and there was no community engagement with this request.

  Inform              Consult                                 Involve                      Collaborate        Empower                     


Fiscal Impact

This action will not require a complement increase for Information Services and is already included as part of the approved 2022-23 Information Services budget. The increase in cost is approximately $23,550 annually. This will be absorbed within the 2022-23 Information Services budget.



Last Previous Action




1. Position Descriptions

2. Comparable Salary Information