Sponsor: Human Resources
Amendment to the Agreement with Deloitte Consulting LLP for Employee and Retiree Benefits Consulting Services
1. Approve an amendment to the agreement with Deloitte Consulting LLP, 4022 Sells Drive, Hermitage, TN 37076, for employee and retiree benefits consulting services for an additional two years through October 11, 2026 at a cost not to exceed an additional $650,000.
2. Authorize the Chair and Chief Clerk to execute the agreement.
3. Authorize the County Manager to execute amendments to the agreement in accordance with the county’s procurement policies and procedures provided the amounts are within limits of available funding.
Background and Rationale
The county’s current two-year agreement with Deloitte Consulting for employee and retiree benefit consulting services was entered into at a cost not to exceed $400,000 and expires July 09, 2024. In late 2022, Human Resources expanded Deloitte Consulting’s role in the process to procure 2024 employee benefits to analyze past outcomes and provide expertise in developing requests for proposal that achieve the county’s objective to attract and retain employees and improve employee wellness and health equity. The expanded role was not anticipated when the current contract was signed and is nearly expended. Additional funding not to exceed $650,000 for the following services is estimated through October 11, 2026:
• Complete benefit plan Request for Proposals, initial self-insurance work assessment, and rate development, if applicable, and other consulting (Not-to-Exceed $200,000).
• Traditional services for FY2024-FY2026 which includes plan experience monitoring, vendor negotiations, plan design strategy and change, and employee contribution consulting (Not-to-Exceed $195,000).
• Additional services due to self-insurance for which includes development for each plan year of the premium equivalent rates per plan option and development of estimated incurred but not reported (IBNR) claims liabilities needed for financial purposes (Not-to-exceed $105,000).
• Rewards Optimization budget which includes a combination of Rewards Optimization and Gap Analysis (Not-to-exceed $150,000).
County Goals (Check those advanced by Action)
☐ Well-being ☐ Prosperity ☐ Opportunity ☒ Accountability
Racial Equity Impact
This action furthers providing a sustainable, long-term benefits strategy that recognizes cultural differences and supports employee well-being. Diversity continues as a critical component of a comprehensive and well-balanced benefits program.
Community Participation Level and Impact
This action is strictly operational and internal facing. The residents of Ramsey County do not participate in the evaluation of or decisions regarding the county’s employee benefits program.
☒ Inform ☐ Consult ☐ Involve ☐ Collaborate ☐ Empower
Fiscal Impact
Funding for these services is from the Health Insurance Fund and is included in the proposed 2024-2025 budget.
Last Previous Action
On October 12, 2021, the Ramsey County Board approved a two-year single source agreement with Deloitte Consulting for employee and retiree benefit consulting services (Resolution B2021-217)
1. Deloitte Contract Amendment